Shampoos for Dogs and Horses - A Guide to Keeping Your Four-Legged Friends Fresh and Fabulous

In stables and riding schools you often find not only horses, but also other animals. Dogs for example. There is almost no riding school that does not have at least one 'stable dog'. Despite the differences between dogs and horses, they can live together perfectly, and even form close friendships! Horses and dogs are both very intelligent and social animals; they have the ability to sense other people's moods – including other animals and people. This way they can feel each other well and communicate with each other. The best way for horse and dog to become friends is to play together. Researchers have found that horses and dogs respond in the same way when they play and have fun. They even mirror each other's behavior and expressions! While wagging and running, the differences between horse and dog disappear and friendships are formed for life! These friendships, which they already experienced themselves between their own animals, inspired Johann...